Academic Syllabus
CGS 1070 Basic Computer and Information Literacy
Spring 2015 Section 1772


Name: Cherie Collins, M.Ed.
Office Phone: (727) 532-4444
E-mail: Please e-mail via Desire2Learn for all inquiries.
Alternative E-mail:
Office Information: Instructor Course Page                    

If you have any questions or concerns about your course or assignments, please contact your instructor. Please allow a reasonable amount of time for your instructor to respond (for example, 24 to 48 hours). If you are unable to reach your instructor, please call (727) 341-4641 and have the following information available: student ID #, instructor name, and course /section numbers.


Saturday, March 21 and March 28
8:00 am - 12:00 pm 
Clearwater Campus Map
ES 203


Dean: Dr. Sharon Setterlind
Office Location: TE 116C, St Pete/Gibbs Campus
Office Phone: (727)341-4724

Text: Basic Computer and Information Literacy
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 9781269216340

Face to Face Class Students **No software is required as long as you complete your assignments in class or at the Learning Support Commons**

Software: Microsoft Office 2013 Professional--For students that do not have the required software:

Desire2Learn (D2L) – Course Management System
D2L is St. Petersburg College’s online course management system. Access to D2L is available at To log on, type your student number in the Username text box and password information for your account in the Password text box. (These are the same user name and password used to log into MySPC.)

Free Tutoring Help:

Technical Support for MySPC and Desire2Learn


Phone: 727-341-HELP or 727-341-4357


This course is designed to develop computer competencies and literacy. It introduces general computer operations using current computing technologies and data storage techniques. An introduction to a word processing and a spreadsheet program is included. Further, the course will introduce students to the core concepts of computer literacy. The course also provides strategies for using a variety of electronic resources while emphasizing internet ethics and security. 16 contact hours.

Major Learning Outcomes:

  1. The student will demonstrate knowledge of basic computer operations and functions.
  2. The student will demonstrate knowledge of a word processing program.
  3. The student will demonstrate knowledge of a spreadsheet program.
  4. The student will demonstrate knowledge of the legal and ethical use of intellectual property.
  5. The student will demonstrate the ability to maintain online privacy and to communicate effectively in an online environment.


Drop/Add: See Academic Calendar
Drop date with Refund: March 22
Withdrawal Date with Penalty: March 28
Academic Calendar:
Financial Aid:


Students are expected to be punctual and attend the entire class. Students missing more than two hours are automatically withdrawn.

If students miss a class, or fall behind in their work in Desire2Learn, they may be considered as nonparticipating at the 60% mark and receive a “WF” as a grade per College Board Rule. If proven extenuating circumstances arise, students should contact their instructor immediately and provide documentation as requested. 

Participation: Active class participation is required.  Students classified as not meeting the criteria for active class participation will be administratively withdrawn with a “WF.”

Students will be able to withdraw from the course themselves at any time during the term. However, in order to receive a “W,” instead of a “WF,” they must withdraw before the 60% deadline. 


Students who successfully complete this course will earn one college credit toward their grade point average (GPA). Students will complete assigned exercises, projects, and quizzes for a cumulative total of 345 possible points.  Students will earn a letter grade based on the grade scale identified below.  

A=  90-100% 310 -- 345
B=  80-89% 276-- 309
C=  70-79% 241 -- 275
D=  60-69% 207 -- 240
F=  below 59% <207


  1. If there are problems with completion of the assignment by the appointed date, the student must discuss the matter with the instructor PRIOR to the due date. See each week's folder for specific due dates.
  2. It is the student's responsibility to follow the schedule of class assignments.
  3. Late work will not be accepted, graded, or reviewed unless permission is granted PRIOR to assignment due dates. In the event an emergency occurs, please contact your instructor regarding college policy for submitting documentation.
  4. You will need access to Microsoft Word and Excel for this class. All SPC campus libraries have these programs loaded on their computers. 


The student survey of instruction is administered in courses each semester and is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement.


The Syllabus Addendum must be read every semester; you are responsible for its content: This information includes the academic honesty policy, academic calendar, and supplemental information.